September 4th, 2023

Yo, it's been a while huh? I've not been up to too much, mostly just job searching and being a general lazy piece of shit lol. Went to a cookout yesterday and swam which was great, I honestly haven't been swimming in an actual pool in a long time. Had some burgers, a burnt as fuck hotdog just the way I like and an oreo shake. I then proceeded to watch the entirety of Rumbling Hearts in one night and I HATE IT. So much potential completely thrown out the window because the series devolves into Takayuki is a man baby for 10 episodes and is a general dickhead to everyone in his life while Mitsuki has a total mental breakdown every episode. Haruka did nothing the entire series and ends the series by just... letting him go and make up with Mitsuki who takes him back even after all the shit he pulled like are you kidding me??? I hated it, don't watch it, please.